The Four-Point Main Street Approach


Design means getting our downtown into top physical shape. Capitalizing on our assets such as historic buildings and the traditional downtown layout is just part of the story. Main Street also strives to create an inviting atmosphere through parking areas, signs, sidewalks, street lights and landscaping.


Promotion means selling the image and promise of Main Street to all prospects. By marketing the district’s unique characteristics through advertising, retail promotional activities, special events and marketing campaigns. Fayetteville Main Street hopes to forge a positive image to shoppers, investors, new businesses and visitors.


Organization means getting everyone working towards common goals. The tough work of building consensus and cooperation among the groups that have an important stake in our downtown can be eased by using the common-sense formula of a volunteer-driven program and an organizational structure of board and committees.

Economic Vitality

Economic Restructuring means finding new or better purposes for Main Street enterprises. Helping existing downtown businesses expand and recruiting new ones. Fayetteville Main Street converts unused space into productive property and sharpens the competitiveness of its businesses.
Why support Main Street?

  • Our downtown is a reflection of how we, as a community, see ourselves and how we are perceived by others
  • Our central business district is a prominent employment center
  • Downtown Fayetteville is the historic commercial/government core of our community
  • Our downtown represents a vast amount of public and private investment in our community
  • Our downtown provides a sense of community and place
  • Downtown Fayetteville is a tourist draw for Lincoln County
  • A significant portion of our community’s tax base comes from the downtown
  • Main Street is a good incubator for new small businesses which are the building blocks of a healthy economy